
Either you likely provide already sharing buttons to you blog posts or not, you may be interested in this light-weight solution. Why? Because it's fancy, it takes very little space on your page and it is so easy to attach.

Social Media ShareBar


Posted by Dmitry Sheiko

Usage and API

Well, just download the Sharebar source code and extract the archive into a folder in you project. Well, just download the Sharebar source code and extract the archive into a folder in you project. I assume you use jQuery, so just add to the code of your blog pages:

Now you have to only mark with classes outer boxes for your articles, article title nodes and put placeholder for share bar. For example, when you want share bars next to blog posts in the list:

When you want the bar on the post details page:

Link info node can keep the shared article link either in href attribute or in data container data-href.